Tuesday 16 September 2008

Leaf mould sacks for making lovely mulch - 100% biodegradable

Leaves are beginning to fall from the trees, and before the job of sweeping them up begins - don't forget to order your jute leaf sacks so that you can make them into lovely leaf mould...

Recycling your fallen autumn leaves is one of the easiest and cheapest ways to make compost. You can use all the leaves that fall in winter - all the deciduous leaves that look oranges, and reds, and brown (and dead!)

An ideal time to sweep up your leaves is just after it has been raining - as the moisture will help the leaves rot down into leaf mould. (If it's dry, you can water your leaves). Some people put their leaves into black bin liners, but I prefer to use jute leaf sacks with an open weave, as these are 100% biodegradable and rot down at the same rate as the leaves...

These jute leaf sacks are a bargin at £2.50 for a pack of 2

Once the leaf sack is filled, do what the name says; simply Love Em and leave Em in a corner of the garden. The leaves and the leaf sack will biodegrade and you will have that corner stone of green gardening, wonderful compost.

Leaf mould is an excellent soil conditioner - the autumn leaves rot down to form a lovely, dark brown, crumbly material. Leafmould is also a good soil improver, lawn conditioner and mulch. It can be used in seed and potting mixes too and is a good substitute for peat.

Autumn leaves are rotted down mainly by the slow, cool action of fungi - rather than the quicker acting bacteria that are responsible for composting. This is why autumn leaves in quantity are best recycled separately in a leafmould heap.

Just remember to AVOID evergreen leaves such as holly, laurel or conifers and you'll find that making leaf mould is simple - and a great way to get rid of those pesky autumn leaves

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